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Water-Operator  Example 

This operator applies a threedimensional anharmonic water-wave
to an image.


Name        Possible Values/Unit            Description

Input       STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8,      input buffer
            TEMP3D1, ..., TEMP3D4
Ouput       STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8,      output buffer
            TEMP3D1, ..., TEMP3D4
TRender     ON, OFF                         indicate that the transformed 3d-temp-buffer
                                            is used for the last time and can be modified
                                            directly to conserve both memory and time
Frame       integer>0                       current frame
Frames      integer>0                       frame count describing a full cycle
Times       integer>0                       number of rings, values in the range 1..3 are
                                            are always a good choice
Rings       integer>0                       number of times the growing of rings is performed,
                                            after one cycle the 1st ring has the
                                            distance times*wavelength from the centre,
                                            values 2..10 give good results
Axis                                        direction of propagation,
            X,                               parallel to the x-axis,
            Y,                               parallel to the y-axis,
            XY,                              radial propagation
Amplitude   pixels                          wave-amplitude, this value should be always in
                                            the range 1..4
Wavelength  pixels                          wavelength
OriginX,    pixels                          location of the wave-source
OriginY     pixels
Damping     ON, OFF                         toggle damping on/off
Damping     float                           damping-value
moveXY      ON, OFF                         specify if the deformation is applied to all
                                            components (x,y,z) or not. If this option is set
                                            there may occur some singularities ("bad points"),
                                            but this mode is very close to the reality.

Because this operator supports the  PowerPlugs! -concept further
settings can be adjusted from within the global  Render-Settings -Window.